Start feeling
I’ve learned I make the best decisions when I turn my brain down so my heart and gut can be heard - stop thinking and start feeling. Trust that you know, learn to quiet your brain and clarity comes forth.
Be optimistic!
Growing up, I was always focused on the bad things that happening around me and how can things turn out in a bad way in the end. I was constantly pulling my self between naive optimism and stark negativity to balance my motivation.
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Never give up
-Teddy, Calgary, AB, Age 9

The little me
Reconnecting with my past. I found the little me. I’m so glad I found her. The one that was very curious and has a lot of dreams. It reconnected me.
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Being vulnerable is worth it

You can do it all…
You can do it all, but not all at once.

My measure of success
My measure of success is having the freedom and confidence to propel forward, a curious, playful mindset, and strong, mutually – supportive relationships.

Perfection is overrated!
Numbers, measures, guidelines and rules, we’re all written for averages. They were not written for you. They were written by some people who have never met, and probably will never meet you!
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My measure of success
My measure of success will include being happy and excellent at my job. When I feel excited to go to work because I enjoy it and I am great at it.
-Aishwarya K

My definition of success…
Is being able to walk out to a coffee shop and people watch whenever I want.

Be present
Find a way that you feel present – think back to your childhood, what did you do/remember that made you feel most present? Do you still feel like you’re able to be present and connect? If not, how will you get that back?
-Luke D

What is your measure of success?
When I have done something that serves others and shapes my community/world, that I come home to loving partner and healthy family, and that I have seized every opportunity available to me (no regrets; no “what-if”).
-Amanda E

The journey
Embrace the journey of your life. The good, the bad, and all the in between. And amidst all that, you will find that all along you were blooming.
-Andria S

Knowing yourself
Knowing yourself is a journey. Be kind to and patient with yourself. Embrace the awkward, practice connecting. Allow yourself to open up, cry, hug, love, laugh. Embrace the curiosity of knowing yourself.
-Briana S

What does success look like for me?
I decided to do something for myself, and no one else
I worked and earned it
I can sit back and feel proud of what I’ve done. I have earned the feeling of being strong
-Jillian M

Environments we grew up in can shape our goals. I realized most of my life goals and targets are to be an enabler of others and focus on helping them.
-MO, Yemen

Find balance
No matter what happens and where you are in life there will always be a perpetual struggle to find balance. Sometimes we go more left and then right, but knowing the centre will always make it easier to find balance.
- Mel D

Do more of the things that keep you centred.
- Nithya A

My measure of success?
The impact I make, sharing my story, inspiring change, and raising money to help find a cure.
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