• "I've spent countless hours reflecting and journaling under your guidance. I can now say with great pleasure that I’ve gotten to know both you and myself a little better. This has been such a pleasant discovery, especially given my slightly advanced age, as I wondered if I could still gain relevant insights and learn from this three-book journey. After generating over 9,000 words in my journal, I can answer that question with a resounding yes!"


  • "We are never too old to rethink the direction of our efforts. To try and be the best people we can be to our community and others who may need a hug, an ear, and a helping hand."

    –D Poole

  • “To me it shows great vulnerability, courage, generosity and trust and I will honestly endeavour to make you proud!”


  • "Don't wait too long to be yourself.”

    – JD

  • "They are beautiful. Raw and compelling. Open heart surgery scars lovingly tattooed with flowers and words of hope and strength. Honoring the wisdom inherent in the scars."


  • "It is like the wealthy barber (core foundational life skills) meets Griffin and Sabine (charming, intriguing and tactile) meets Dad and Krista late night kitchen talks. A masterpiece of authenticity too – you shine right through."


  • "They are beautiful and thought provoking. I enjoyed writing my stories too and I used a similar style to you. Thank you for trusting me with something so close to your heart.”


  • "I firmly believe that you MUST live your truth. You MUST do what you want to do. It is the only way to leave this swirling ball of rock with no regrets."

    Calgary, Alberta, Canada

  • "Knowing yourself is a journey. Be kind to and patient with yourself. Embrace the awkward, practice connecting. Allow yourself to open up, cry, hug, love, laugh. Embrace the curiosity of knowing yourself."

    -Briana S
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada

  • "Reconnecting with my past. I found the little me. I’m so glad I found her. The one that was very curious and has a lot of dreams. It reconnected me. I’m so glad that you shared all of your stories, it inspired me and helps me to find myself.”


  • “I enjoyed getting to know myself and left feeling very positive about the future.”

    -Denis S.
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada

  • "Truth be told, I am reading it through my tears - tears of joy, compassion, pride and love."


  • "Pass it on, and pass it along with your marks, reminds me of the treasures of vintage shopping. It’s about the article and then, you find a note in the pocket. Lo and behold! Treasure!"


  • "What a gift to anyone that wants to commit and grow. I love the subtlety of the underlying message, it is so profound and sincere that it will inspire the reader to be the best they dare to be."


  • "I stopped to reflect on your questions. Not sure I would be honest with myself with the answers I would write. I needed to ponder these thoughts and look inwards. Something I haven’t done deeply enough for many years. I have opened my mind to answer the questions truthfully to myself."

    –Linda P.

  • “Never give up.”

    -Teddy, Calgary, AB, Age 9

  • "I will focus on what I can control and do small, good things to get the bigger win."



Share Your Stories.

What makes you… you? What inspires you? What do you want to share with others to inspire? We want to hear from you. We will review and add your stories here to spark conversation.


All the places the books have travelled to. Let us know where you are, and continue to pass them on!


Counting the Threads

The Little Books of Big Somethings are travelling books, meant to be shared. Do you have a book you are ready to pass on? Or is the thread in your book complete? Learn more or reach out, we would love to hear from you!


Shared Stories & Thoughts: